- All orders are shipped to the target country.
After you place an order on Bossgoomall, you will receive an email confirming that we have received your order and are processing it. To keep you informed about the progress of your order, we will send further email notifications as we dispatch your goods, which will include our courier tracking numbers. You can track the progress of your order by signing into your account or clicking on the our courier tracking number sent in the email(s). If you have any questions about your order please contact us at trading@bossgoo.com .
Delivery time:within 5-48h after placing the order, or according to customer requirements.
Shipping time:15-45 days.
Delivery costs:According to different goods or transportation methods,there are different shipping charges.When placing an order,you can see the Delivery costs required for the order.In general,the package price of 0.1-2 kg is 20-130 USD